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How do you respond to stress? Do you shut down? 

Do you numb out with alcohol, food, shopping, exercise or work?

Do you get angry? Get tired? 

Do you look unsuccessfully to “self-care” for the magic cure? 


Find out if your stress response is harming you and what you can do about it.  


All Workshops are taught by Chantal Donnelly, Physical Therapist and Resilience Toolkit Certified Facilitator.  

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Settled Workshop and Book Club

Your six-session sanctuary guided by none other than Chantal Donnelly, the brilliant mind behind the book Settled: How to Find Calm in a Stress-Inducing World. 
Level 1

Level 1

How, When, and Why to Settle Your
Nervous System: 
The Foundation
Level 2
Stress Insights - Level 2

Level 2

How, When, and Why to Settle Your
Nervous System: 
Exercise, Metabolism, Nutrition and Self Care
Level 3

Level 3

How, When, and Why to Settle Your
Nervous System:
Resilience and Review

Teens and Pre-teens

This workshop is by request only.  If a group of teen or pre-teen friends are interested, contact Chantal.
Coming soon!
Chronic Pain
Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

Stress can exacerbate pain as well as impede recovery from chronic pain.
Coming soon!
Sex & sensuality
Sex & Sensuality

Sex & Sensuality

Connecting to
one’s body and with
one’s sexuality and sensuality.
Coming soon!

**If you would like to arrange a private workshop for you and a group of friends, please contact Chantal. **

Register Today!


All workshops are held in virtually now due to the Coronavirus. 

To find a date that works for you and contact  to register. 

Registration for Resiliency Workshops

To register for Resiliency Workshops ONLY, please take the time to fill out the information below.

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